Sustainable Ballard is Looking for New Board Members

Do you want to contribute your time and talent to Sustainable Ballard’s Board? We support some of the most impactful community activities going on in Ballard today, including projects centered around food systems/security (Bakery Gleaning & Market Gleaning, and Edible Garden Tour) community based projects such as (Free Letters Home and Ballard Knitters), promoting the sharing economy (Ballard Tool Library Game & Puzzle Swap, and Annual Barter Fair), providing sustainability education and opportunity for action (Idle Free Ballard, Rainwise, DEI Taskforce) and more!

We are looking for a few committed and energetic people to join our Board of Directors. Could this be you? You’ll have the opportunity to use your skills to help neighbors who want to create a better world. What might you bring to our board?  Familiarity with non-profit management?  Ability to recruit friends/neighbors to volunteer?  Eagerness and skills to promote our good works?  Time to attend local meetings or lead hands-on activities? Curiosity about what sustainability means today? If you are interested in becoming a Sustainable Ballard board member and having fun while contributing to your communities wellness, please review the job description below and send a statement of your interest to along with your answers to the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in being a board member with Sustainable Ballard?
  • What do you bring to the role? Skills, experience, attitude, connections, etc.
  • What is your connection to Ballard and what does this community mean to you?


Sustainable Ballard’s (SB) Board of Directors is responsible for policy decisions related to Sustainable Ballard. The total number of members may fluctuate between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 members. Each Board member shall serve a one year term to be renewed yearly at the February Annual meeting. In the event of a resignation or termination of a Board Member, the Board may assign an interim person to fill the vacancy until a permanent successor is determined. We are a “working” board.

Board members’ responsibilities include:

  • attending all Board meetings( 4 per year)
  • maintaining oversight of the administrative functions of the organization
  • voting on proposals in person or via email (no response by a deadline will be considered consent)
  • creating partnerships within the community and the region
  • supporting and conveying Sustainable Ballard’s vision and mission to Ballard and beyond
  • supporting one of our 3 behind-the-scenes focuses (Operations, Community Outreach or Projects & Events)
  • Participating in SB events at least 3 times a year and additional times as needed

The Board of Directors meet for 2 hours every 3 months to make guideline and policy decisions for the Sustainable Ballard organization on the following schedule:

  • February – Annual Meeting (review of previous year accomplishments and goals for coming year)
  • April – Budget Review and Approval (review of organizational and project budgets)
  • July – Volunteer Resources (review of volunteer resources and organizational and project needs)
  • Oct – Board Composition (review of current board skills, board renewals and resignations, goals and needs for coming year)

Sub-committee groups meet as needed. 1-2 yearly “advances” may be scheduled at the discretion and initiative of the Board of Directors and shall be open to all project leads and board members.