SB Knitters will meet @ Old Stove Gardens on Nov 12
Our community minded friends at Old Stove Gardens have graciously agreed to host our SB Knitters. This will be a similar arrangement as our previous home base at Pour Decisions. There will be some large tables to gather at and the opportunity to purchase beverages(they have n/a options too!) and/or food. We will meet Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 7-9pm. Old Stove is located at 1550 NW 49th St in Ballard(they have other locations so make sure you come to this address!). There is a parking lot to the East of the brewery and there are bus routes is a block away on Leary and 15th Ave NW.

Yarn, needles and teachers provided. Just bring your curious self. Thank you Old Stove Gardens for hosting us in November!