Our Sustainability Festival will be Sat, Sept 30!
Save the Date! Sept 30, 11 am – 4 pm
@ Loyal Heights Community Center Lawn
We are celebrating 20 years of sustainability here in Ballard in 2023! Mark your calendar and join hundreds of other Ballardites for an engaging and fun-filled day featuring live music, workshops, hands-on activities and plenty of games, quizzes and prizes.
Every year Sustainable Ballard invites local environmental organizations and green businesses to help create the unique & joyful Sustainable Ballard Festival. We depend on community partnerships to help us cover the costs of this free event and provide quality education to the community throughout the year.

Through the years, together we’ve created an interactive, playful and engaging event for Ballard neighbors and greater Seattle residents. If you own a Ballard business or a Seattle sustainability business, we’d love for you to join in by becoming a sponsor. Show your customers that you care about sustainability and the community resources that make Ballard a thriving place to live. Sponsoring the Sustainable Ballard Festival also encourages community engagement with your business, provides an opportunity to educate the public about the sustainability issues important to your success, and places your organization or business in a relevant context.
For more information about how to join the fun please contact Rain.