Let’s DO Something About Reducing Plastic Consumption!
Demand supermarkets reduce plastic packaging
Plastic pollution is destroying our oceans. It’s harming turtles, whales, fish, and every part of the ocean food chain. There are already over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans — and the equivalent of one garbage truck worth of plastic enters the oceans every minute. Even sea salt has microplastics in it!
We’ve been told individual recycling can fix this problem, but the reality is that only 9% of plastic is recycled. Instead, plastic producers have to cut plastic pollution off at the source. That includes stopping unnecessary plastic used to package the goods we buy every day.
Ask big corporations to stop plastic pollution
Single-use plastic costs little to companies, but the real price is paid by our planet and communities. For far too long, big companies have made big money forcing plastic packaging into our lives, most of the time without giving us the choice to avoid it.
Corporations like Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Mars, Kraft, Heinz, Mondelez, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson and Johnson, and Danone are increasing the amount of single-use plastic and, even if they claim to know little about where their plastic ends up, their solutions have only been related to recycling.
Sign the Declaration of the Rights of the Southern Resident Orcas
This local group of citizens, passionate about our natural world and doing all they can to heal our connection with this fragile blue dot we call home, is working to bring legal rights of nature to the Southern Resident Orcas including the Salish Sea to protect her inhabitants and ecosystems. Under our current legal system humans and corporations have legal standing but animals and ecosystems don’t. We believe that animals and ecosystems should also have legal rights and be able to defend those rights in court.
FINALLY, if you want to keep working on this effort with us, let’s start a Plastic-Free community group. Please contact jenny@sustainableballard.org to be part of the organizing group.