Grassroots action impacting US climate movement
Think Summer of Solidarity, Fearless Summer, Occupy. More and more over the last 10 years, individuals, not organizations, are standing up to demand better, to drive change and to influence policy-makers.
CREDO launched a pledge drive asking Americans for a promise to commit civil disobedience if the Keystone XL pipeline is approved; more than 75,900 people said yes. Tar Sands Action protests at the White House were described as the “largest and most sustained civil disobedience in 30 years” and a “gateway” for new activists. Tens of thousands got “a crash course in grassroots organizing and direct action” during Occupy movements which strengthened the networks, and confidence, of activists.
We are becoming fearless, realizing that the consequences of action are great, but the effects of inaction are even more dire.
YES! Magazine has created a unique resource that lets you explore the trajectory of the climate movement over the last 10 years via photos, videos, quotes and tweets from some of the most visible climate actions, and an article that highlights the impact of direct action during this time.
When people see each other confronting power, their fear goes away. People are willing to take risks when they know their community has their back.”
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