Edible Garden Tour – an Abundance of Gardens and Volunteer Needs!

We’re fast approaching the tour, coming up on June 22nd. This year we’re pleased to present “small spaces” gardening – do you want to garden, but think that you don’t have space? We have something just for you: a display at the tour start featuring balcony and rooftop gardens. Then check out the specially-marked “small spaces” tour stops with driveway, planting strip, and patio gardens.

The Edible Garden Tour has excellent examples of all levels of gardens from new to well established. There is truly something to delight and inspire everyone! If you’re new to gardening and want to see what’s possible in just a few years, we have starter gardens. We also have inspiration for those who have been gardening for a awhile, with plenty of Rainwise cisterns, mature fruit trees and berries, full lawn conversions, chickens, and veggies galore!

If you’d like to help out, sign up to Volunteer Day of Event for a shift during the day of the tour or sign up to Volunteer Pre-Event to help beforehand with host garden weeding assistance, host appreciation and/or postering. Volunteers and members go free on the tour, there’s plenty of time before or after a shift to enjoy the host gardens!