Climate on Tap: Splitting the Atom Can Save the Planet! – Nov 1
Climate on Tap at Naked City presents: How Splitting the Atom Can Save the Planet: Non-Carbon Energy to the Rescue!
Enjoy dinner and a fascinating presentation on the latest advances in nuclear power and how it can help meet growing global energy needs. We are previleged to have Scott Montgomery, nationally acclaimed author, and adjunct faculty at UW’s Jackson School of International Studies, and Nick Touran, advanced nuclear reactor physicist at Terra Power, who will discuss this misunderstood non-carbon energy source that may be essential to stopping global warming, ocean acidification, and sea level rise. Have a beer, and join the discussion on how nuclear power can save the planet!
November 1, 2016, 7:00-9:00pm
Location: Naked City Brewery, 8564 Greenwood Ave N
Facebook Event: events/353541914987425/
Price: Free!