The Ballard Tool Library is Open for Business!
Hip, hip hooray! The Ballard Tool Library, 7549B – 15th Ave NW, began operations on January 28th! The Tool Library is open ten hours each week:
- Saturdays, 9am to 11am
- Sundays, 2pm to 5pm
- Tuesdays, 11am to 1pm
- Thursdays, 5pm to 8pm
For more detailed information about the Tool Library, please visit the tool library web site, but here are the basics:
How do I become a member?
The Ballard Tool Library aims to be as inclusive as possible. Our membership fees are by suggested donation only. No qualified applicants will be turned away due to lack of funds. Members must be 18 and over. To become a member, you’ll need to fill out an application, sign a waiver, and make a donation. Then, you’re ready to borrow any of the available tools during your membership. Sustainable Ballard members automatically receive membership to the BTL as one of their benefits. To become a Sustainable Ballard member, go here.
How does borrowing work?
Once you become a member, you’ll be able to borrow available tools. We will provide a real-time, online inventory of our collection, so you can be sure the item you need is available. Tools are checked out for one week and are due during open hours (PLEASE don’t leave that chainsaw just lying around outside!). You can renew your item for an additional week if no one else has placed a hold on it.
What if I return my tools late? What if I break something?
It happens! When you sign the waiver during the application process, you agree to only borrow and use tools that you are able to handle in a proper, safe manner. We suggest that if you must return a tool late, you make a donation. If something breaks, just tell us. We’ll do what we can to fix it.
Questions? Visit the Contact Page of the BTL website.
This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.