Ballard Knitters for the Homeless
Who we are: people who have never knit before, people who haven’t knit in a long time, and people who are knitting pros! We are happy to teach you to knit or work on a new pattern, and it’s okay if there are mistakes – they’re just as warm and it shows some sincerity. Come enjoy the opportunity to create and keep others warm through the winter.
Bring knitting needles size 9 or 10 and extra yarn to share if you have some – but don’t buy any because we have a stash!
When/Where we meet: Old Stove Gardens Brewing, 1550 NW 49th St, Seattle, WA 98107. Join us on the second Tuesday of the month, anytime between 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Who we donate to: Nyer Urness House, Cheryl Chow Court, the Bridge Care Center, and the Ballard Urban Rest Stop.
Project Contact: Jody Grage