September Waste Reduction Tips
Back to School!
Reds and golds and browns and oranges … always!
Apples and pears — yum
And … waste reduction!
Clothing, electronics and other supplies
Last year’s clothes, shoes and backpacks may no longer fit your growing kids. If you have clothing or sporting goods that are in good, usable condition, consider donating them to local thrift stores, charitable organizations or clothing drives. Donating keeps your old belongings out of the trash loop and helps those in need.
If you are replacing computers, printers, calculators or other electronics, consider donating or recycling them. Many organizations will accept donations of working electronics.
Back-to-school season is a great time to talk to your kids and their teachers about the importance of waste reduction and recycling. When you’re going through last year’s supplies, talk to your child about how to reduce the amount of waste they create, reuse what they can and recycle the rest, and why this is important.
Here are ten tips from National Geographic Kids.
Mom Junction has twenty recycling activities for kids.
Waste Reduction Tips
Society Zero in Great Britain has some great ideas for reducing waste in the autumn season.
The absolutely best way to reduce trash is to stop buying and using products that are not durable, reusable, or repairable. Reducing waste is easy if you follow some of these tips courtesy of Santa Barbara County.