Borrow seeds through the King County Seed Lending Library
2021 Update: No Swaps, but Seeds Available
Hello gardeners and seed-swapping friends. Here is a 2021 update from the King County Seed Lending Library (KCSLL):
We have a happy/sad message for our community. The sad news is that we won’t be holding any seed swaps this year due to the coronavirus. That is probably not a surprise to most of you. The happy news is that seeds are available in two of our locations, and more locations may reopen in the near future.
Two KCSLL branches are resuming seed sharing in their respective locations. Both the NE Seattle branch and the NW Seattle branch are located in their community tool libraries, which are now reopened with limited hours.
— The NE Seattle branch is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-8 pm and Saturday 9 am-noon.
— The NW Seattle branch is open Saturdays 9 am-1 pm.
— Both branches are limiting the number of simultaneous visitors and requiring coronavirus precautions such as wearing a mask and observing a 6-foot social distancing rule.
Due to limited display space, the NW Seattle branch is only offering seeds of crops that can be sown now. Seeds of warm-weather crops like tomatoes, peppers, beans and squash will be made available in early spring.
Seeds can also be donated at these two locations, but please observe these guidelines: pre-clean any homegrown seed, put it in a compact package, and label it with the crop, variety name, and year saved. Partial seed packets may be donated as well; please tape them shut.
Please continue to watch their blog and Facebook page for updates on seed availability at other locations or expanded hours. Current location hours and a link to spreadsheets of available seeds at these two branches are available on their Locations page.