Trees for Seattle Tree Walk Training – June 9
From our friends at Forterra:
That’s according to a study by the good folks at Seattle Audubon. A big reason we have so many birds is—you guessed it!—we have a lot of trees.
Did you also know that different layers of the tree canopy provide habitat for different birds? Check out this great blog post by Forterra’s Americorps intern Ava to learn more.
In addition to bird habitat, trees provide great aesthetic, health, economic, safety, child development, and stormwater infrastructure benefits. That’s why Forterra helped the City of Seattle start the Tree Ambassador program to help the city reach its ambitious goal of reaching 30% canopy cover by 2037.
Tree Ambassadors are volunteers who host tree walks to educate and motivate people about trees in their neighborhood and care for trees in public spaces. To gain the know-how and resources to become a City of Seattle Tree Ambassador, join Forterra at the next training on Saturday, June 9th. Details and sign up here!