1 Sustainable Planet Public Meeting – Jan 22
All are invited to the first public meeting of 1 Sustainable Planet.
If the inauguration of a climate denier to the highest office in the land has left you worried about climate change, come put your energy into action. 1 Sustainable Planet (1SP) is focusing on solutions and the long-term task of building a sustainable way of living, no matter what happens with climate. There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gases, not all of which require national legislation. They all must be implemented at the local level. (Local solutions are what we can really work on.)
1 Sustainable Planet is focused on the means as well as the ends. We prioritize inclusivity, community building, and treating our members and our opponents with respect and kindness. Everyone has skills and gifts to bring to the table regardless of whether they have worked on social change before or not.
The first meeting will be Sunday, January 22nd, at 6:30pm at Keystone United Congregational Church – 5019 Keystone Place N. This first public meeting will be to present some of the different work groups so you can see where you might plug in. Unlike many organizations, 1 Sustainable Planet will not have monthly meetings. Work groups will meet independently on time frames that progress their agenda. Here are some of the work groups:
Food Challenge: We will be reaching out to churches and people going into grocery stores to ask them to take the food challenge: to reduce our carbon impact by choosing more organic, more local, and less meat, and to reduce food waste. The food challenge asks people to both change the way they eat and to work to change our food production system. This campaign is a great way to enter into conversation with ordinary people about climate change. We’re looking for people to do research, build our webpage, write, do flyering, possibly testify or give presentations.
150 Trees and Me: This workgroup is starting as a study group on forestry policy and current developments in planting trees to capture carbon. It will promote forestry policies to protect trees, (including testimony and protest) and organize tree planting with the goal of planting 150 trees per person for carbon sink. Looking for people to do research, testify publicly, write, organize tree-planting groups, and plant trees.
Taming Big Foot: This workgroup will be organizing teams of 5 to 6, many of which will be in faith congrégations, to compete over a period of several months to reduce their carbon footprint (which will include food consumption, tree planting, as well as transportation, etc.) This task force will help launch this campaign as a way to raise public awareness. Looking for people to be on teams, organize teams, create promotional materials, and to give talks.
Changing our Built Environment: This workgroup is currently engaged in trying to influence development in Mt. Baker which is already underway, for less energy-intensive buildings and a more walkable and sustainable neighborhood. Looking for people to do research, write, speak at public meetings, and do outreach in the community.
Building the Green Economy: This workgroup is going to work on connecting labor and climate folks with the goal of both building the alternative economy that can support green jobs and , but also beginning to do transition planning for jobs that will go away under climate change. Looking for people with research skills, labor connections/background, planning skills, writing skills, economics knowledge, etc.
Little Green Communities: This workgroup will build an online FB connection between members with ways of engaging those who may not go to meetings. Looking for people with social media, FB experience.
Other skills we could use: web page design, photography, database management, fundraising, etc.
If you are unable to come to this meeting but are interested in a particular work group, please contact Lynn Fitz-Hugh so she can try to get you connected.