Our 5th Annual Edible Garden Tour

egt12 orangeThis walking or biking tour provides examples of creative uses of parking strips, containers, raised beds, chicken coops, fruit trees, berries, bees and more! Meet the gardeners and ask questions. Be inspired! Check out your neighbors’ gardens. The tour includes a dozen gardens to explore within walking distance of Trinity United Methodist Church and Salmon Bay School. Your ticket includes a map of gardens and one entry into a Raffle of gardening books, supplies & Fiskars tools. Local NW gardening authors will be on hand to answer your gardening questions.


egt12 potsWhen: Saturday June 29, 2013, 10am – 3pm
Where: Buy your ticket/map at the parking lot west of Trinity United Methodist Church, 6512 23rd Ave NW, on the day of the tour
Cost: $10 (kids are free) supports Sustainable Ballard’s community projects.
Support this year comes from:

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